What Profound Peacemakers Need To Know

by Lindy MacLaine  - June 8, 2023

For everyone around you, Profound Peacemaker, being in your presence feels calming, grounding—delightfully centering.

But living in your skin is something else. Chaos is your nemesis. It puts you into a spin, then stops or in your tracks. Panic or paralysis. Your reaction bounces from one extreme to the other. You are not designed to multitask. It’s exhausting and can lay you out flat.

Staying in the moment, doing one thing at a time, is how you need to operate.

Your greatest tool is your breath. Mindful breathing can bring you into the moment. It clears the stress that comes from letting your mind scurry back into the past, or race ahead into the future. Past and future-dwelling generates regret and worry. Stay in the present. Breathe. all is well.

The most magnetic part of your message is the exact thing you struggle with. As you share your vision and your profound, inspiring experiences, remember to share the daily tools of finding peace in chaos. Share the stories of struggle, let your audience laugh with you. They’ll love you for it, and trust you all the more!

Like each messenger type, the element that makes you magnetic to your audience, is not just the healing you share so naturally. It’s the struggle that you deal with yourself, over and over. In your case, you must include both your experience of paralysis and panic in the face of chaos, and the strategies you find for a balanced life. In this way, you’ll empower other Profound Peacemakers into health and wholeness!

Your Magnetic Message is a complex, beautiful fabric woven of your soul contract, revealed through the map in your hands, your values, your desires, and your life experience. I have tools to help you uncover and integrate these elements with depth, care, and gentleness.

Ready to stop hiding your light? Book your free 20-minute call today.

The Truth About Community Cultivators

Lindy MacLaine

Passionate about encouraging others to find their voice and tell their stories, I use all my tools to do it. Scientific Hand Analysis leads the way, with its proven ability to reveal who we are here to be what we are here to do, and what we need to share! Also coming into play is my experience as an intuitive coach, author, performer, and speaker.

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