You make us feel loved, Community Cultivator!
That feeling, if you could bottle it up and sell it, would be worth millions. It’s in your eyes, your smile, the way you listen—being in your presence makes us feel valued. It boosts our confidence, makes the difficult possible. Listening to your message is like green smoothies—just what the doctor ordered!
There’s a shadow side to living in your skin: steering by the fear of losing love. What you say, do, choose—all of it gets filtered by that risk.
“If I say that, she won’t like me.”
“If I do that, he won’t love me.”
“If I choose that, they’ll reject me.”
How This Impacts You
Consequently, what unfolds is a compromised life; losing pieces of your authentic self along the way. Has that been your experience? How are you doing with finding ways to express yourself fully and authentically? You need to weave this struggle into your message. Share how to brave the risk and live by your own compass.
Self-expression keeps you whole and sane. Whatever your way of doing it—singing, dancing, writing, painting … make sure you prioritize it—especially when you’re under duress.
The fingerprint this Messenger Type comes from is held by 70%of the world’s population. You see, there are plenty of people living with the same struggle. Bringing it out into the open in your message will create trust really quickly!
What you need to do
Like each messenger type, the element that makes you magnetic to your audience, is not just the heart and compassion that comes so easily to you. It’s the struggle that you deal with yourself, over and over. In your case, you must include both your experience of losing by staying silent, and the strategies you find for authentic self-expression that keep you whole. In this way, you’ll build a flourishing community of magnificent Community Cultivators!
Finally, your Magnetic Message is a complex, beautiful fabric woven of your soul contract, revealed through the map in your hands, your values, your desires, and your life experience. I have tools to help you uncover and integrate these elements with heart, depth, and care.
Ready to stop steering by fear of losing love? Book your free 20-minute call today.